Support the clay family
Below is our current support level. Diana and I both work part time as online teachers to bring in additional income to supplement our monthly support. We'd love for you to prayerfully consider financially supporting what God is calling us to do in the Dominican Republic.
***You can cancel or update your recurring payments anytime through your Paypal account***
According to the United States Agency for International Development, "The provision of a high quality public education system is one of the Dominican Republic's most fundamental challenges. The Dominican Republic ranks 143rd in quality of primary education 137th in the quality of the educational system overall, out of 144 countries worldwide." Dominican Republic education is next to last place in the world, but our prayer is to see this change. There is also a huge Haitian refugee crisis. In 2013, the Dominican Republic stripped away citizenship from descendants of people who were deemed to be in the country illegally dating back to 1929. This ruling, in effect, made 200,000 people stateless by removing their citizenship, refusing to issue them birth certificates and identity documents, thus denationalizing them and creating what has been justifiably termed the “Western Hemisphere’s worst refugee crisis.” They are not Haitians, but they are not Dominicans as well. These are people without a home, or a national identity. Many work in the sugar cane fields, but because they have no work documents, receive very little pay and live in squalor conditions. With no opportunity for education or employment, they find themselves in a desperate situation. HOW WE SERVE We lead and serve with a local team to serve and make disciples in an impoverished Haitian refugee community called Hoya del Caimito in the Domincian Republic. Together we offer courses in carpentry, technology and English and provide other services in the hopes of helping equip and provide marketable skills that will help young men and woman support their families and continue their education while knowing Jesus. OUR CALLING Our family has been committed to the calling that wherever we go, we are to not only proclaim the gospel of the kingdom, but demonstrate the gospel of the kingdom. By stepping into the educational crisis and the Haitian refugee crisis, our prayer is that the Dominican Republic would see and experience the love of Christ through us and give us opportunities to speak truth and love about what Jesus offers. PARTNER THROUGH PRAYER
PARTNER FINANCIALLY: Please pray about supporting us through the link on the right. Your gift is tax deductible, and 100%(minus any Paypal fees) goes directly to help supporting us. |